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    [展会时间轴]  发布时间:2021/3/5 14:39:19
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  • 展会时间:2021年09月10 ~ 12日 展会地点:中国进出口商品交易会琶洲展馆
    主办单位: 广东省营养健康产业协会

    举办周期:一年一届 展览面积:35000平方 展商数量:1300家 观众数量:60000人广州国际食品及饮料博览会在广州广交会展馆举行。预计展会面积达35000平方米,将有来自18个国家和地区的近千家企业携同1300个食品品牌齐聚广州,专业采购商达60000人次。
    本届展会在布局上将划分为 “天然有机食品展区”、“地方特色展区”、“烘焙展区”、“食品食材展区”、“连锁加盟展区”、“进口食品展区”等。产品涵盖天然食品、有机食品、肉制品、乳制品、调味品、酒类、油类、果蔬、休闲食品、速冻食品、罐头、方便食品、饮料、进口食品。通过合理分设特色展区,充分考虑目标观众的便捷性和针对性,从而使展览目的更精准更高效。广州国际食品及饮料展吸引了美国、澳大利亚、日本、韩国、俄罗斯、加拿大、德国、英国、乌克兰、马来西亚、泰国等18个国际和地区的食品行业优质厂商。除此之外,泰农集团、HAOBAO、Vivid-oil、JSC Narzan、S&P、摩尔农庄、凤山帝一、绿玉带、波尔圣堡、五常富仓、安康农场、西江水道等诸多国内外企业鼎力支持参与。值得一提的是内蒙古商务厅和铜仁市政府组团参展,并以特色展厅的形象来完美呈现食品产业盛会。

    天然有机食品: 农副产品及其加工品、米类、肉类、蜂蜜、木耳、菇类、野生山核桃、榛子、松子,螺旋、名优农产品、宁夏枸杞、三清山山茶油、乐陵小枣、霍山石斛、化州橘红、封丘树莓、正阳花生等。

    富硒食品: 富硒茶、富硒水、富硒蛋、富硒酒、富硒奶、富硒食用油、富硒零食、富硒饮品、富硒大米、富硒小麦、富硒面粉、富硒杂粮、富硒蔬菜、富硒水果等

    畜产品: 香肠制品、火腿制品、腌腊制品、酱卤制品、熏烧烤制品、干制品、油炸制品、调理肉制品、罐藏制品。液态奶、奶粉、炼乳、乳脂肪、干酪、乳冰激凌、其他乳制品等。

    发酵制品: 酱油、醋、味精等、酒类、白酒、浓香型与酱香型、啤酒、果酒、葡萄酒、黄酒等。

    粮油制品: 焙烤、糕点、面包、饼干、方便面、油脂产品

    食品添加剂: 防腐剂、抗氧化剂、乳化剂、增稠剂、品质改良剂、着色剂、甜味剂、营养强化剂、护色剂、食用香精香料、漂白剂、膨松剂、凝固剂、抗结剂及其他食品添加剂。

    进口食品: 休闲食品、糖果、蜜饯、膨化、谷物类等、休闲饮品、咖啡、红茶、果味饮料、饮用水、氢水、纯果蔬汁、酒类产品、葡萄酒、气泡酒、白兰地、威士忌等。

    水产品: 冷冻、速冻水产、水产调理食品、深加工制品。

    餐饮: 中式正餐、中式快餐、火锅、西式正餐、西式快餐、咖啡店、休闲饮品店、餐厅家具及装饰、餐厅照明、餐厨用品等。

    食品包装及加工设备: 油类加工设备、果蔬加工设备、饮料加工设备、粮食加工设备、冷藏技术、金属探测器、生物发酵技术、包装机械、喷码设备、包装材料及其它设备等。

    Sponsored by: Guangdong Nutrition and Health Industry Association

    Period: Annual Exhibition Area: 35,000 square exhibitors Number: 1300 Number of visitors: 60,000 people Guangzhou International Food and Beverage Expo held in Guangzhou Canton Fair Hall. The exhibition area is expected to reach 35,000 square meters, there will be nearly a thousand enterprises from 18 countries and regions with 1300 food brands gathered in Guangzhou, professional buyers up to 60,000 people.
    The exhibition will be divided into "natural organic food exhibition area", "local characteristics exhibition area", "baking exhibition area", "food ingredients exhibition area", "chain franchise exhibition area", "imported food exhibition area" and so on. Products cover natural food, organic food, meat products, dairy products, condiments, alcohol, oil, fruits and vegetables, leisure food, frozen food, canned, convenient food, beverages, imported food. Through the reasonable division of special exhibition areas, taking full account of the convenience and relevance of the target audience, so that the purpose of the exhibition more accurate and efficient. The 2018 Guangzhou International Food and Beverage Show attracted quality food manufacturers from 18 international and regional countries, including the United States, Australia, Japan, Korea, Russia, Canada, Germany, the United Kingdom, Ukraine, Malaysia and Thailand. In addition, Tynon Group, HAOBAO, Vivid-oil, JSC Narzan, S.P., Moore Farm, Fengshan Emperor I, Green Jade Belt, Pol San Fort, Wuchang Fucang, Ankang Farm, Xijiang Watercourse and many other domestic and foreign enterprises to support the participation. It is worth mentioning that the Inner Mongolia Department of Commerce and the Copper Ren Municipal Government organized a group to participate in the exhibition, and the image of the special exhibition hall to perfectly present the food industry event.

    The scope of the exhibits
    Natural organic food: agricultural by-products and their processing products, rice, meat, honey, wood ears, mushrooms, wild pecans, hazelnuts, pine nuts, spirals, famous agricultural products, Ningxia dates, Sanqingshan mountain tea oil, Leling xiaoling, Hoshan stone, Orange, hill raspberries, Zhengyang peanuts and so on.

    Selenium-rich food: selenium-rich tea, selenium-rich water, selenium-rich eggs, selenium-rich wine, selenium-rich milk, selenium-rich cooking oil, selenium-rich snacks, selenium-rich drinks, selenium-rich rice, selenium-rich wheat, selenium-rich flour, selenium-rich grains, selenium-rich vegetables, selenium-rich fruits and so on

    Livestock products: sausage products, ham products, pickled products, soy sauce products, smoked barbecue products, dry products, fried products, conditioning meat products, canned products. Liquid milk, milk powder, condensed milk, milk fat, cheese, ice cream, other dairy products.

    Fermentation products: soy sauce, vinegar, MSG, wine, liquor, strong flavor and sauce flavor, beer, fruit wine, wine, yellow wine and so on.

    Grain and oil products: baking, pastries, bread, biscuits, instant noodles, oil products

    Food additives: preservatives, antioxidants, emulsions, thickeners, quality improvers, colorants, sweeteners, nutritional enhancers, color protectors, edible flavors, bleach, puffers, coagulants, anti-condensants and other food additives.

    Imported food: casual food, candy, honey, puffed, cereals, leisure drinks, coffee, black tea, fruity beverages, drinking water, hydrogen, pure fruit and vegetable juice, liquor products, wine, sparkling wine, brandy, whisky and so on.

    Aquatic products: frozen, frozen aquatic products, aquatic conditioning food, deep-processed products.

    Dining: Chinese dinner, Chinese fast food, hot pot, Western dinner, Western fast food, coffee shop, casual drinks shop, restaurant furniture and decoration, restaurant lighting, kitchen supplies and so on.

    Food packaging and processing equipment: oil processing equipment, fruit and vegetable processing equipment, beverage processing equipment, food processing equipment, refrigeration technology, metal detectors, biofermentation technology, packaging machinery, spraying equipment, packaging materials and other equipment.


    信息来源:会展号 浏览:62507次
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